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Wisdom tooth extraction- Price!!
In most of the decisions that you have to take in your life, you have many options. If not many, you surely have at least two options which are to do it or not to do it. But when it comes to your health, you don t have the option of skipping it. You have to face the most painful of the procedures for long term good health. A dental surgery is one such necessary evil. And when it is about getting a wisdom tooth extracted, you cannot delay it to bear the enormous pain and inconvenience.
Though the process of extraction of
wisdom teeth Sydney
is performed under local anesthesia, the patient starts feeling pain and swelling in the gums as the effect of this anesthesia wears out. The healing process does not start before 48 to 72 hours after the surgery. Swelling of gums is a common issue as there has been a surgery done on the tissue. Doctors generally give antibiotics and pain killers to reduce the pain and swelling caused. However, you can also take some other steps to reduce the swelling.
First of all, you should avoid any activity to be done by the affected part of the gums. The mouth s skin is very tender and it becomes extremely soft and vulnerable during swelling. So you should avoid eating or chewing any hard substance from this area for a few days. This will not put any kind of pressure on the gums so that they get full time to heal. Another way of decreasing the swelling is to apply an ice pack. The simple steps to do it are to take some ice and put it into a soft cloth like a handkerchief. Now rub it slowly over the affected area for about 10 minutes.
Just after the surgery, you should take only chilled liquids from a straw to keep the chewing activity minimal. Doctors generally prescribe eating chilled things like ice cream and drinking ice cold water to get rid of swelling. This causes the shrinking of blood vessels and nerve endings to stop the bleeding and ultimately the swelling. For at least the day of the surgery, you should avoid any kind of chewing activity. After 2 to 3 days, when you start eating, don t take any hard food that can cause any kind of friction or irritation to the gums and can be swallowed easily.
The time that the gums take for healing depends upon the individual healing ability and the complexity of the surgery performed. Normally the healing process starts after 2 to 3 days of the surgery but if there are some other complications involved such as the patient is diabetic, it may take some more time to heal. Excessive bleeding can also occur due to a person being diabetic. Doctors can also suggest keeping medicated gauze in between the gums and then pressing on to it with slightly high pressure holding the position for some time to bring down the swelling. Even after the gums have healed, you should use a soft tooth brush and apply it gently over the teeth.
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