Kennel Cough In Dogs: Symptoms And Solutions!

Kennel Cough in Dogs: Symptoms and Solutions!


Tim Delaney

Kennel cough, (also known as Bordetella or tracheobronchitis), is a highly contagious air-born virus that is very common in the canine community worldwide. There are a number of symptoms and treatments available, as we will discuss here in this article. The virus spreads rapidly among dogs in close quarters such as kennels, rescue shelters, and other places where there may be a large concentration of dogs.The virus is present in other pathogens, or germs, often found in other common canine illnesses like distemper and canine influenza, to name a few. Kennel cough spreads through the tiny particles that explode through the air when another dog coughs or sneezes. This cough or sneeze shoots millions of pathogens through the immediate area and the virus is still contagious up to three weeks from the initial contamination. Dogs with decreased immunity like puppies, sick, or elderly dogs are much more susceptible and the virus is more life threatening to them as well.

Symptoms of Kennel Cough

Dogs infected with kennel cough will generally begin to show symptoms within about three days of the initial exposure. Effected dogs will display a dry hacking cough that is often described as a \”honking\” sound accompanied by a clear nasal discharge. Lack of energy and lethargic behavior is another common symptom. More healthy dogs may not display a lack of appetite; however, lack of appetite is a common symptom as well. Dogs may also show signs of \”retching\” which is a severe abdominal condition that can develop as a secondary issue to kennel cough due to the constant harsh cough.


Treatment options for Kennel Cough

At the first sign of these symptoms pet owners should take their dogs to the vet as soon as possible. Kennel cough can be quite stubborn and can re-appear in dogs more easily once they are exposed. Because it is viral in nature, antibiotics can have little to no effect on the cough, only on secondary bacterial infections. Another problem with antibiotics as a treatment is that they kill both the \”bad\” and \”good\” bacteria; this can lead to other health issues in the future such as Systemic Yeast Infection.

There are other options available to pet owners and many veterinarians are using these natural approaches as well. One safe alternative approach that can assist against these stubborn strains is an all natural product called Ox-E-Drops.

What makes Ox-E-Drops so effective? For starters, it works by harnessing the body\’s own pH, increasing oxygenation to the cells. They also work enzymatically, releasing ions that have the effect of disrupting certain enzymes common to harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. This is unlike medications that lose their effectiveness over time as the body builds up immunity to them. Ox-E-Drops can be used both orally and in a vaporizer, breathed directly into the lungs. (for instructions on how to use Ox-E Drops in a vaporizer, click here.)

Many pet owners who have tried traditional treatments for kennel cough to no avail, have found Ox-E-Drops to be both safe and effective in providing an answer to their pet\’s difficult respiratory problems. These drops can also assist in circumventing future respiratory ailments.

Kennel cough can be difficult to cure if left untreated for too long. It is important to find a product that works. There are all natural pet supplements, such as Ox-E Drops, which are guaranteed to work. Do you reasearch, but it is important to get your pet on something right away.

article submitted by Tim Delaney. References include

Nzymes Product Reviews



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